
Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Nukilan Kenit 2014


Happy New Year 2014!! Selamat Tahun Baru 2014!! *dam!dam!dum!dum!* (bunyi mercun buatan mulut sendiri yang membaca) hehe. Alhamdulillah, sempat jugak bertemu di tahun baru ni ye. Cerah elok je cuaca hari ni. Kami takda plan pun nak gi memana hari ni. Nak recharge 'bateri' puas-puas menjelang hari esok. Esok nak 'berperang' lagi ni menguruskan hal sekolah anak-anak mihmih.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dari Tadika Ke Sekolah Rendah.


Ya Allah, cepatnya masa berlalu! Dua tahun tinggal di KL terasa macam baru dua hari hehe. Masa mula2 sampai kat KL, kakak baru berumur 4 tahun. Umur 5 tahun register tadika di KL, umur 6 tahun tukar tadika di PJ. Alhamdulillah, sekarang kakak dah nak masuk darjah satu! Darjah satuuuuuu ..... ohhhh anakku dah besar dah .... ibu tua dah .... hehe.

Alhamdulillah, urusan pendaftaran sekolah kakak untuk kemasukan darjah satu telah pun selesai hari ini. Dari rumah lagi, kakak dah beria benar nak tengok sekolah baru dia. Tak sabar merasai pengalaman dan suasana baru belajar di sekolah baru. 

Excited nak school dah! (^_^)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Because Of You


For every breath we take, for all the blessings we receive in our life, there is only One we should be grateful to ... God. Not only on the health and success favors given, but also the opportunities to love and to be loved.

You have been a great inspiration to me ever since you were born, not only as a mother but also as a woman and as an adult. Incredibly, you have been and still teaching me the meaning of love and the beauty of motherhood. I can't imagine life without you dear....

*love* Me and my precious pearl *love*

The person I am most grateful in life would be my 1st precious pearl, Nurul Hazwani. My going-to-be 7 years old bundle of joy, her presence into my life when I was only 23 has changed me remarkably since. Though it was a 'tough' journey but I would go through the same way again because she is my precious pearl.

She's not only a big sister, but a mentor to her little sister Mira too. And, Mira always refer to her in every aspects like in studies and while playing. They fight alot (hehe), but at the end of the day they would turn to each other and laugh and hug and play again (^_^).

What can I say more? She is the best gift from God.

As a token of my appreciation and love, and also in conjunction with the amazing offer from the DiGi Thank You Sale that you can never resist, I hope to give my precious pearl a Smartphone or a Tablet, perhaps. She is going to Standard One next year, and with the new learning techniques going to be implemented in her school, I'm sure one of these gadgets could help her to gain extra informations and help with her studies. This will be a great Year End Sale from DiGi and as for me, this is the kind of Sale I have been waiting for!(^_^).

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Malam Hujan Tapi Mesra


Tahun ni tahun pertama kenit join malam mesra anjuran Jabatan. Nak merasa jugak kemeriahan sambutan Malam Mesra kat HQ ni, gempak ke tidak seronok ke tidak. Tiket memang dah lama beli siap-siap dah sebab tahu hadiah cabutannya lumayan dan makanan sedap-sedap plus ada kambengggggggggg! ekekeke.

Rezeki murah sungguh malam tu, kami ditemani hujan lebat selebatnya dari KL hingga ke PJ! Kami sampai dalam puku 7.50pm tapi meja makan baru penuh 3 buah je. Sampaikan KP pun datang lambat jugak huhu. Yang terlebih excitednye. macam biasa la my kenits ni. Sebab malam tu, diaorg join pakaian beragam kanak-kanak so tak sabar dah nak berposing sakan atas pentas tu kan!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bila Tak Plan Jadi Pulak!


Begitulah lumrahnya setiap kali kenit merancang. Bila kita plan baik-baik, last minit tak jadi pulak nak buat itu ini. Tapi, bila tak plan langsung, last minit tu la tergerak hati ni buat macam-macam atau nak pergi mana-mana. Hurmmm really don't know why la hehehe.

Public Holiday 25hb Disember 2013 .... orang lain balik kampung, gi jenjalan, gi tengok wayang. Kami pun gi jenjalan jugak ... walaupun tak jauh mana hehehe. 

Lokasi last minit : Taman Tasik Titiwangsa

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Fungsi Crosspost Networkedblogs Di Blog.


First time bila kenit register networkedblogs, kenit dah perasan tag crosspost ni di blog kenit. Apa itu crosspost? Ntah, kenit tak tahu hehehe. Malas nak amik tahu mulanya, sebab ia sebahagian dari networkedblogs jugak kan, dan 'kehadirannya' tak mengganggu post dalam blog kenit setakat ni. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mak Yam Kembali Ke Rahmatullah.


Sangat terkejut dan terkilan kenit mendengar perkhabaran yang baru saja kenit baca di laman sosial. Allah lebih sayangkan Mak Yam ....INNALILLAHI WAINNA ILAIHIROJI'UN.

Mariam Bt Yahya atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Mak Yam mendapat simpati masyarakat apabila berita beliau disamun dan dicederakan penyamun tidak berperikemanusiaan mendapat liputan meluas. 


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